Does FR Clothing Contribute to Heat Stress

Flame-resistant (FR) clothing is designed to protect workers from the hazards of electric arcs, flash fires, and other thermal hazards. These garments are made from materials that are designed to withstand high temperatures and prevent…


Flame-Resistant(FR) Clothing: Everything You Need to Know

Flame-resistant clothing, also known as FR clothing, is a type of protective clothing designed to prevent burns and injuries caused by exposure to flames or heat. It is commonly used in industries where workers are…


How FR coveralls can protect your body from fire hazards

Fire hazards can have a considerably deadly impact in any commercial or residential environment if people are not careful. Every year, both personal and business properties get ruined due to fire outbreaks, and thus it…


The benefits of wearing a robust FR jacket

Fire is considered to be one of the most volatile elements of nature. While it can provide us with the warmth and sustenance that we all need, it can also cause devastation of property and…
